- LCD interfacing with Arduino UNO
Description: Let’s see how to interface the LCD module with an Arduino UNO development board. By doing this, we would be able to print the data on an LCD screen and change it when required. It will also help us to make other interesting projects.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO with cable x 1
- LCD module (16×2) x 1
- Potentiometer (Optional) x 1
- Breadboard x 1
- Jumper wires (male to male) x 10
Circuit image link: LCD interfacing with Arduino UNO
- Digital scale using Ultrasonic sensor
Description: In this tutorial, we will make the digital scale using an Ultrasonic sensor module. The ultrasonic sensor module will calculate the distance from an object and hence will work as a digital scale whose reading will print on the laptop/ computer screen using a serial monitor.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO with cable x 1
- Ultrasonic sensor module x 1
- Breadboard x 1
- Jumper wires (male to male) x 6
- Measuring school x 1
Circuit image link: Digital scale using Ultrasonic sensor
Video link:
- Burglar Alarm using IR sensor and buzzer
Description: In this tutorial, we will make a burglar alarm system using an IR sensor and a buzzer. IR sensor will detect the presence of an object. After the detection of an object, we will on the buzzer by giving a high signal at the digital pin which is connected to the buzzer.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO with cable x 1
- IR sensor module x 1
- Buzzer x 1
- Jumper wires (Male to male) x 4
- Jumper wires (Male to female) x 3
- Bread-board x 1
Circuit image link: Burglar alarm using IR sensor
Video link:
- Two road traffic lights controlling system using IR sensor
- Description: In this tutorial, we will make a road traffic system that will give you a hint of how a traffic light controlling system works in real life. We will use two lights (Red and Green) for each road and not three (Omitting the Yellow light) to make the circuit require fewer components and connections.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO with cable x 1
- Green LEDs x 2
- Red LEDs x 2
- Male-to-male connecting wires x 6
- Bread-board x 1
Circuit image link: Two roads traffic controlling system
Video link:
- Length measurement device
Description: In this tutorial, we will see how to use an Arduino UNO to make a length measuring device which will first calculate the speed. Since the distance, the distance between the IR sensors is fixed, after finding the speed, we can easily calculate the approximate length of an object.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO with cable x 1
- IR sensor module x 2
- Breadboard x 1
- Male to female connecting wires x 6
- Male-to-male connecting wires x 2
Circuit image link: Length measurement device
YouTube video link: Length measurement device
- Speed detector
Description: In this project, we will use two IR sensors to make a speed detection device with the help of Arduino UNO (you can use any other board also like mega or mini). When an object passes through the two IR sensor modules, it will display its speed (m/s) on display and you can choose LCD or your computer/laptop screen using a serial monitor.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO with cable x 1
- IR sensor module x 2
- Male to female connecting wires x 6
- Male-to-male connecting wires x 2
- Bread-board x 1
Circuit image link: Speed detector
YouTube video link: Speed detector
- LED blinking using Arduino UNO
Description: In this tutorial, we will see how to use an Arduino UNO to blink an LED. We can use Arduino’s onboard LED or any conventional LED. We can do this task by using IC 555 or other circuits, but here we will see how to blink an LED by programming a microcontroller. We can also change the rate of blinking just by changing some values in the program.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO with cable x 1
- LED (Optional) x 1
- 220 ohm (Red, Red, Brown, Golden) resistor (Optional) x 1
- Male-to-male connecting wires (Optional) x 2
- Bread-board (not compulsory) x 1
Circuit image link: LED blinking using Arduino UNO
Video link: LED blinking using Arduino UNO
- Astable multivibrator using 555 timer IC (LED blinking with IC)
Description: In this tutorial, we will see how to make an LED blinking project using a 555 timer IC. We will use the 555 timer IC in an astable mode in which it will trigger itself after every cycle hence self-drive which will produce a constant square (if the duty cycle is 50%) or rectangular wave at the output which ultimately drives the LED to produce a blinking effect.
Parts required:
- 555 timer IC x 1
- LED x 1
- 220 ohm (Red, Red, Brown, Golden) resistor x 1
- 100 K ohm (Brown, Black, Yellow, Golden) resistor x 2
- 1uF electrolytic capacitor x 1
- 0.01uF ceramic capacitor x 1
- 9V battery
- Bread-board x 1
- Jumper wires (male to male) x 10-12
Circuit image link: Astable multivibrator breadboard circuit, Astable multivibrator schematic diagram
- Simple switch circuit
Description: In this tutorial, we will see how to make a simple circuit using an LED and a tactile switch. Here switch is used to break/reconnect the circuit which will decide the glowing of the LED at circuit completion and now glowing at circuit breaking.
Parts required:
- Breadboard x 1
- LED x 1
- 220 ohm (Red, Red, Brown, Golden) resistor x 1
- 9V battery x 2
- Jumper wires (male to male) x 2
Circuit image link: Simple switch circuit
Video link: Simple switch circuit
- Simple LED dimmer circuit
Description: In this tutorial, we will see how to make an LED dimmer circuit. We will use a potentiometer and limit the current in the circuit and by doing this, the brightness of an LED will automatically decrease or increase.
Parts required:
- Breadboard x 1
- LED x 1
- Potentiometer/ trimmer x 1
- 9V battery x 1
- Jumper wires (male to male) x 5
Circuit image link: LED dimmer circuit
Many more coming in the future ………………………………